Here's the Flailing Writerers...

Jon Rand
By day, Jon Rand is a professional Voice Over Artiste. You’ll know his voice from the telly - He’s the bloke who sounds all serious, even potentially quite angry about wanting you to watch Keanu Reeves in Speed, Friday at 9, on Film 4. By night, however, Jon is an avid writer of fiction. The sort of fiction that almost no one will ever want to read. He also likes cycling, playing poker and eating food. Oh and dancing at weddings… but most of his friends are married now, so… you know… he doesn’t get to do that very much.

Tom Turner
Tom was brought up by wolves in the foothills of the Pennines. This explains a lot.

Dave Baird
Dave used to be Head of Creative at the largest radio station outside of London, but he gave it all up to become a successful multi-millionaire writer. Fifteen years on, he's still yet to properly finish anything. Instead he does voiceovers, reading other peoples words for money. But the dream is still there.... just as far away as it ever was.